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Keyboard Shortcuts

thinkingParticles uses a number of keyboard shortcuts to accelerate the overall workflow within the plug-in.

Shift+Alt+P = When the thinkingParticles icon is selected in the Viewport, clicking on this combination of keys will open up the thinkingParticles user interface.

Shift+Alt+O = This set of keys acts as a toggle to turn the entire particle system on or off in the view ports. This has the same effect as if you went to the Master Dynamic DynamicSet controls and turned the particles off.

Shift+Alt+D = Turns debug mode ON/Off

Shift+Alt+A = Brings up the thinkingParticles Analyzer
To learn more about the Right-Click mouse menu options and to learn how to copy and paste nodes within the UI of thinkingParticles CLICK HERE

The following abbreviations are used:
LMB - Left Mouse Button Press
LMB + CTRL - Press Left Mouse Button and Control Key at the same time
RMB - Right Mouse Button Press
MMB - Middle Mouse Button Press

Main thinkingParticles Wire Setup View UI  

Drag + LMB               Rubber Band selection
CTRL + LMB Add to the selection of nodes
CTRL+ LMB Click In Gray Background: Navigate the Wire Setup View (Hand symbol)
RMB Popup Menu (Remove, Cut, Copy, Paste)
CTRL+ RMB Rollout Pop Up Menu
MMB Panning in all directions of the Dynamic Set
SHIFT + LMB Panning in all directions of the Dynamic Set
ALT+Mouse UP/DOWN Zooming in and out of the Dynamic Set
Drag + LMB + Left ALT Rubber Band selection + on release Left ALT Key creates Selection Set with automatic link to Comment node
Right ALT + Drag node Move nodes Independently of Selection Sets

To move multiple Nodes, use the CTR+LMB and Move multiple nodes with the mouse

Make Dynamic Set

The user interface of thinkingParticles offers a new workflow enhancement function: Make Dynamic Set is a right click menu entry inside of any DynamicSet (click on the background).
With the operators already selected right click into the DynamicSet; then choose Make Dynamic Set this will collect all selected operators and place them into one new DynamicSet missing connections will be automatically re-connected.
Drag Rubber band over any operators in a Dynamic Set and then press the SHIFT key on mouse button  release a new DynamicSet with the selected operators is created automatically. Missing connections will be automatically re-connected.

Keyboard Shortcut Override Toggle


thinkingParticles supports the Keyboard Shortcut Override Toggle feature of 3ds Max. Please make sure to turn it on when working with thinkingParticles, it will allow to capture the standard keyboard shortcuts many users are so used to.
It is also important to note that the mouse cursor must be placed inside the DynamicSet work space (grid) to operate the shortcuts on specific Nodes.

Possible keyboard shortcuts are:

CTRL+X : this will cut one or more selected Nodes to the windows clip board  

CTRL+C : this will copy one or more selected Nodes to the windows clip board

CTRL+V : this will paste one ore more Nodes from the windows clip board into the active  (mouse pointer over grid) DynamicSet.

F2 : will rename a thinkingParticles Node in the tree view without any selected nodes. When node is selected the selected node can be renamed within the DynamicSet

DELETE : will remove the selected Nodes from the active DynamicSet.

D : will toggle the Debug Window On or Off

A : will toggle the Analyzer window

M : toggles the Master Dynamic Set On and Off, this is good for adjusting global tP settings

CTRL+D : when pressed, a new DynamicSet is created

CTRL+G : when pressed, a new Particle Group is created

ALT+C :  sets the color of the selected Node(s). 

ALT+R :  resets the color of the selected Node(s) to default. 

E : selected nodes toggle enable/disable

Node Creation Accelerator

A new keyboard shortcut method has been added offering full access to all available thinkingParticles Nodes. By pressing any of the keys listed below a selector box will pop up and present the available nodes to choose from. The nodes available are organized in by their main categories.

In general, pressing the Return key will use and create the selected node from the drop down list. A single left click onto any Node in this list  or by using the arrow keys - along with the Return key will create the selected thinkingParticles Node.

Tab : when pressed in a DynamicSet the NCA (Node Creation Accelerator) box to search for ALL Nodes will show up.

G : when pressed in a DynamicSet the NCA (Node Creation Accelerator) box for Group nodes will show up.

C : when pressed in a DynamicSet the NCA (Node Creation Accelerator) box for Condition nodes will show up.

O :  when pressed in a DynamicSet the NCA (Node Creation Accelerator) box for Operator nodes will show up.

H :  when pressed in a DynamicSet the NCA (Node Creation Accelerator) box for Helper nodes will show up.  

B :  when pressed in a DynamicSet the NCA (Node Creation Accelerator) box for BlackBox nodes will show up.


DynamicSet Navigation

CTRL+ ARROW UP : moves in the DynamicSet tree view up for every key press

CTRL+ ARROW DOWN : moves in the DynamicSet tree view down for every key press

CTRL+ ARROW LEFT : moves within the DynamicSet tree view to the left of the hierarchy

CTRL+ARROW RIGHT: moves within the DynamicSet tree view to the right of the hierarchy

Node Operations

LMB Click on Title bar selects a node
LMB + Move Moves the node
LMB Dbl. Click  Title bar double click, collapse/unfolds the connected ports
LMB On Input and Output square enables additional ports
LMB + Drag On Port draws a wire
Shift + LMB On Port, deletes a connection, NO questions asked.
RMB On Title bar brings up Operator Popup Menu
RMB On Port brings up Port Pop Up Menu (Invisible, Rename, Remove,Debug)
RMB+ALT Deletes the selected node from the DynamicSet (without asking)
SHIFT+LMB On Node Center or Title : Copies the Node(s)

©2024, cebas Visual Technology Inc.

introduction/thinkingparticels_overview/keyboardshortcutsthinkingparticles.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/24 18:35 by

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