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Subscription Drop 10 SP1 Hotfix 2

Service Packs are meant to improve stability and workflow. However, sometimes new features are also a part of a Service Pack. Find below a list of the most important changes found in Subscription Drop 10.

Service Pack 1 Hotfix 2 Brings to you

  • Added Support for 3ds  Max 2022
  • A new Option has been added to the Cache  “Group Change Stop Tracking” for the possibility to go back to the tp6.9 behavior where group change don't lose tracking
  • A crash bug has been fixed in connection with GeomInstance


Group Change Stop Tracking

This new option (right Click Dynamic set for Cache) allows you to bring back the old cache behavior. Pre-Subscription Drop 10 versions did continue tracking cached particles, when a particle group change happened. Since Drop 10, a group change will always disconnect the particles and no more tracking from the cache will happen.


Service Pack 1 Brought to you:

  • General Bug Fixes and Speedups
  • VolumeBreaker: Multi-Threading Speedup up to 10 times faster!
  • New Option in SchematicView Rollup: Checkbox On/Off HideCoupled



©2024, cebas Visual Technology Inc.

introduction/thinkingparticles_6/what_s_new_in_subscription_drop_10_sp1_hf2.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/24 18:35 by

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