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About Explosion Tool

How to add an Explosion System

The Explosion System is categorized as a BlackBox were it also can be found as a menu option. You may either choose to use the Right Click menu (click into any empty space of a DynamicSet) or choose the Right had BlackBox Icon menu.

It is strongly recommended to add the Explosion System to an empty DynamicSet. While you have the flexibility to configure Visual Effects shots as you wish, it is not advisable to mix complex Systems like our Explosion Tool with other Nodes in your DynamicSets. Although it will still function, the setup will be more challenging to read than if you were to structure the nodes properly. This is especially true with our advanced Systems, which can easily incorporate more than 30 Nodes in one go!

Initial Positions

The effectiveness of the Explosion System relies on establishing one or multiple initial center points for the explosions. Any particle that is entering the particle group named “Initial Positions” will determine the center of an explosion. Therefore, multiple particles entering this Particle Group will result in multiple explosions, each centered around the position defined by the respective particle.

The size and alignment of particles play a crucial role in determining the initial parameters of the explosion. Larger particles contribute to larger explosions, and vice versa. Additionally, aligning particles, for example, along a surface, will correspondingly align the explosion. By implementing a Kill plane, it becomes straightforward to generate explosions emanating from a wall or any desired surface.
Hierarchy matters! Initial Particles must be created or entering the Group before any Explosion System in your DynamicSet setup.

The Nodes Explained

Adding the Explosion System to an empty DynamicSet will automatically add all of the Nodes, necessary to get a working Visual Effects Setup for explosion like effects. The System is comprised out of 4 Basic Sections.

  1. Burst
  2. Spike
  3. Environment
  4. ShockWave

Each section within the Explosion System controls a corresponding aspect of the effect.

Burst Node

The Burst Node, along with its input connections, governs the main explosion effect, typically the core fireball or spherical pressure expansion. However, bear in mind that particle simulations can encompass a variety of elements, including fire, smoke, hydro fluid effects, or even rigid bodies. Your imagination and creativity dictate its use. The Burst Node generates a procedural pressure-based spherical expansion effect that is deformable and shapeable. Explanations for Burst controls and inputs are detailed below. The Burst Node is complemented by two other related Nodes: Debris and Sand. The Debris Node creates rigid bodies that follow the same pressure expansion, each with a random variation of minimum and maximum mass based on its size. In contrast to Sand, Debris is able to spin based on mass and size. The Sand Node behaves similarly to the Debris Node, simulating lighter, smaller dust, or sand particles.

Spike Node

Explosions can take various shapes, including spike-like expansions. The shape of an explosion is primarily influenced by its type and material mix accelerated by pressure. Spike Explosions can be used with or without the Burst Node. The Spike Node comes with two additional Nodes: Spike Trails and Spike Sand. The Spike Trails Node creates a trail behind the spike particle, simulating smoke or any other kind of atmospheric effect. The Spike Sand Node simulates massive dust or sand explosions by generating a large number of sand particles following the same pressure function as the original spike lead particle.

Environment Group of Nodes

This section encompasses all Nodes affecting all particles of the Explosion System. The Kill Particles Node cleans up the simulation from particles penetrating or falling into infinity. Typically, a floor plane is selected as the killing plane, but multiple planes or objects and their bounding volumes can also be chosen. The Gravity/Friction Node ensures that all particles created by the system follow Gravity and Friction forces. It's important to note that Friction acts based on mass, creating the illusion of lighter particles falling slower than heavier particles. While not physically accurate, it adds an interesting and mostly believable effect, considering speed and acceleration.

Shock Wave Node

To generate shock waves and other pressure-based phenomena, the Shock Wave Node is employed. This node creates the classic expanding ring around the explosion center. As a suggestion, shock wave rings make for excellent gun shot exit explosion pressure waves. The Shock Condens Node generates condensation remains as the shock wave ring travels outward. It fills the interior of the shock wave ring with “standing” particles or dragged-along particles, including an option to add a noise pattern to enhance the natural appearance of dissipating condensation in the air. This effect can be utilized in various ways - it's up to you how you want to use it.

Use As You See Fit

Every single Node described above can be activated or not. The more effects you add to an explosion simulation, the longer it will take to simulate. Not every explosion requires shock waves, debris, or sand particles. Keep in mind your VFX budget and the number of effects and polygons you want to include. Remember, thinkingParticles is about 100% procedural simulations, allowing each particle to create another particle, enabling you to easily create hundreds of explosions raining down from the sky.

Automatically Created Particle Groups

When creating an Explosion System, a multitude of particle groups will be automatically generated. For reference, check the illustration below to learn more about the hierarchy and names of the particle groups.

reference_guide/thinkingparticles_nodes/blackbox_nodes/systems/explosion/about_explosion.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/24 18:35 by

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