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Particle groups do not have any inputs due to system restrictions and design issues. However, besides the many basic operators that can set Velocity, Speed and Mass, thinkingParticles offers the robust ParticleData Operator which can be used to set multiple parameters of a particle in one shot.

Operator Inputs 

ON - (Bool) This input data stream determines whether the operator is considered 'on' or 'off'. You can connect other operators to this input channel such as a Bool Helper to activate/deactivate the whole operator.

Time - (Time) This input data stream is used to define the local time for the operator when the user wants to override the default system time.

Particle - (Particle) This input data stream serves as a particle data stream output.

Position - (Position) This input data stream supplies the current particle position.

Velocity - (Velocity) With this input data stream, the current velocity of the particle can be fed into another operator or condition.

Life Span - (Life Span) With this input data stream, the life span value of the current particle can be fed into other operators or conditions.

Age - (Age) This input data stream holds the current particle age so that it can be fed into other operators or conditions.

Size - (Size) From this input data stream, the size of a particle may be fed into other operators and conditions.

Rotation - (Rotation) This input data stream holds the current particle rotational value so that it can be fed into other operators or conditions.

Alignment - (Alignment) This input data stream holds the current alignment value so that it can be fed into other operators or conditions.

Mass - (Mass) From this input data stream, the mass of a particle can be fed into other operators and conditions.

Scale - (Scale) From this input data stream, the scale of a particle can be fed into other operators and conditions.

Group - (Group) This input data stream holds the current group of a particle so that it can be fed into other operators or conditions.

Shape - (Shape) From this input data stream, the shape of a particle can be fed into other operators and conditions.

TransferMaterial (Shape) - this input is only relevant when the connected particle has a shape. The correct material ID as read from this input (TransferMaterial) will be assigned/transferred to the connected main Particle input, which also must have a shape! This factually transfers (instance) a material form one particle shape to the other.

CH: is displayed whenever a data channel is used in the selected particle group

Operator Outputs

No Operator Outputs.

Rollout Menu

Data Channel Group - used to select the particle group containing data channels

©2024, cebas Visual Technology Inc.

reference_guide/thinkingparticles_nodes/operator_nodes/standard/particledataoperator.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/24 18:35 by

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