thinkingParticles Subscription Drop 9

Speed, Stability and Workflow Enhancements

Cebas Visual Technology Inc. is pleased to announce its next major release of thinkingParticles. The release of thinkingParticles Subscription Drop 9 represents one of the biggest bug fix sweeps and workflow enhancements, yet. Overall simulation robustness, outstanding fluid solver stability and enhanced soft body dynamics offer a uniquely rounded overall Visual Effects experience for every 3ds Max user.
Besides some serious housekeeping, new advanced Visual Effects operators have been added to the tool chest. Find below a short summary of new functions and features found in thinkingParticles Subscription Drop9.

Scene Supplied by Jignesh Jariwala/Rendered with finalRender

Particle Based Fluids

The introduction of a new fluid solver: SPH VE 6.9 marks a landmark achievement for all 3ds Max users who usually experience a lack of realistic all purpose particle based SPH fluid solver options. The new algorithm creates a more stable fluid simulation with less experimentation and guesswork in parameter setup. Automatic foam generation in fluid simulations is now more predictable and accurate as it aligns with the real world phenomena of air bubbles rising to the top of the fluid surface.

Time Independent Simulation Caches

For the first time, thinkingParticles offers the concept of truly time independent simulation caches. In the past, once a simulation was cached out to a hard disk, there was not a lot of manipulation possible. thinkingParticles’ new time independent simulation caching offer ultra fast interactive timeline scrubbing and the possibility of easy particle manipulation after the fact.

Industrie's Workhorse Rigid Body Dynamics Solver ‘SC’

thinkingParticles unique Rigid Body visual effects solver; ShapeCollision (SC) has been brought forward to the 21st century. Using ShapeCollison within a thinkingParticles simulation is no more different than any of the other Rigid Body solvers. Rigid Body properties are no longer attached to a particle group, they are now assigned to individual particles.
ShapeCollision is a Rigid Body solver, unique to thinkingParticles and it has become the favorite go to tool for professional VFX artists. Over the last decade, ShapeCollision found its way into many movie productions like Independence Day, 2012 and the latest series of Marvel movies. ShapeCollision offers many options to optimize simulation setups. Although not known for its fastest processing speed, it is loved and used for its legendary robustness and ability to churn through highly complex, most often crappy, 3D meshes. A signature feature of ShapeCollision is its natural ability to simulate stickiness between intersecting geometry.

thinkingParticles Subscription Drop 9 comes as a free upgrade to all Subscription customers in good standing. thinkingParticles can be easily updated and downloaded through the freely available cebas Product Manager.

This announcement does not represent a list of all new features available in thinkingParticles Subscription Drop 9. An extensive list of new features can be found on our website under:

The best thing to do is download the thinkingParticles unlimited free trial or email for an educational license.

thinkingParticles 6.9 officially supports 3ds Max 2021, 2020, 2019