Thank you for Registering with cebas VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Inc!
You will soon receive an email from: cebas Webportal shortly.Follow the instructions outlined in this email to activate your Account on this server.
Please, make sure you do also check your spam-folder for this activation email from ""!
Until you activate your account, you will not be able to log in!
What if you did not get an activation email?
There are several possible reasons for this, most likely it is your spam-filter blockingthe email from
Please do check your spam-folder (junk email) for this email.
If you do not get an email within the next 30-60 minutes, it is possible the email was
sent to Nirvana (not the rock band). Use the "Contact" option on our webpage to send us an
email and inform us about this problem, we can unlock you manually.
We also found that sometimes the issue was just a typo when registering with the email.
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